The Police, Sting, Andy Summers, Oysterhead
Born in 1952 in the United States (he stayed a while in Egypt, where he learned drumset and makes his studies in Lebanon, England and California), Stewart Copeland is one of the few pop drummers to rise to this level of playing, with Vinnie Colaiuta, Omar Hakim and Manu Katché (all Sting drummers: coincidence?) by instilling a very versatile playing (jazz references (many improvised variations and fills), reggae (especially by imitating echoes electronic effects typical of Dub style with snare or kick drum strokes polyrhythmically and with decrescendo), samba (single stroke roll with accents on hi-hat, binary shuffles with heel-toe), funk (break beats and ghost notes), heavy metal (powerful strokes), etc.). Drummer of the flagship English pop trio of the late 70s, “The Police” (1977-1986, with Sting, bassist singer and Andy Summers, guitarist), Stewart writes today especially film music for which he has already received numerous awards. The Police briefly reformed in 2007 and 2008.
Marc De Douvan, publication in French: January 3, 2006 (for the translation in English: July 12, 2015)
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